Collection Types

Soft Collection

Legal Collection

Hard Collection

Soft collection is the simplest and the most efficient way to recover an expired debt. Our goal is to avoid using the legal system for collection by means of soft collection, which is detrimental to all parties—especially the debtor. Methods used by Collectivity Debt Collection:
- • Tracing the debtor’s information (address, phone number, e-mail, etc.).
- • Use of psychological and convincing methods on the debtor, without jeoparidizing the relationship between the client and the debtor.Phone communication, mail and negotiations or visiting the debtor’s Location.
- An amicable manner, the most effective way to recover
- the amount is through legal action.
- The purpose of a lawsuit for debt recovery is to get a
- write-off executed and compel a non-paying debtor
- to pay their debt.
- Our legal assistance is provided by MMALF FOR
- CO W.L.L., wherein we defend our client, the creditor,
- during the claim examination process in court
- proceedings and until a warrant of execution is obtained.
If the debtor delays or refuses to execute the courtruling, we propose that you use the assistance ofprofessionals such as (SHADES FOR PRIVATEEXECUTION W.L.L.).
- The support includes the following activities:
- Launching of the enforcement procedure.
- Mediation of dispute at debtor s home/office.
- Efficient collaboration with licensed enforcement agents.